Thursday, May 24, 2012

Favorite Clothing

Clothing is to identify the human personality. Many people flaunt their expensive clothing in the latest seasonal style. Instead of looking for the latest fashionable clothing, I look for consistency and comfort. During the winter season, I love to wear my brown fitting jacket that suits me and reflects a good personality. I was pretty attracted with the outer design look when I was gone for shopping and I bought it for Rs.3500. Talking about the clothes that I wear is all of fitting types, I liked wearing those kind of dresses and I hate wearing hip-hop clothes.

During the summer season, I like to wear thin clothes of T-shirts and pants. My color choice for T-shirt is of sky gray color and jeans of sky blue color. My styles for different occasions differs, I like wearing a matching clothes top to bottom like combination of same color in all at least in a small portion of like print in T-shirts or shoes. For the party occasions, I don’t wear jeans and T-shirts. Among the shoes, I love my converse very much because I felt it so comfortable while wearing than other shoes and it is of gray color too as my favorite color for T-shirt. My belt mostly that I wear with my jeans is also of gray color. In morning during my vacation, I often used to go for jogging with my friends so even at that time I wear a matching color combination dresses. 

So, from overall description of my some favorite clothes it is clear that I love wearing the same combination of color dresses. It’s my casual style of wearing clothes on different occasions differently. Compare to my winter clothes for summer, I have many clothes to wear mainly my different styles collection of printed T-shirts. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Difference Between Fear and Respect

Emotions play an important role in our daily lives. Fear is one such obnoxious emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is unsafe whereas Respect is something that can be earned through someone’s feelings, needs, ideas and wishes into consideration. In fact, giving someone respect is same as of reflection, earning a respect from others too. As the word fear is the thought of danger on human and respect is the good feelings showing to others.
As human, the presence of fear is always on us, it can be real or imaginary depending on a misperception of a situation which leads to feel anxiety and insecure causes a toxic in our life. Respect is a nurturing a care and encouraging others for the development. Fear destroys the self-confidence of one’s but Respect re-builds it. Fear is life-threatening and Respect is life-enhancing. Fear is a sense of force generating more and more by a little and   Respect is earned by more and more respect to others. Panic is an immediate physical response to unrealistic and irrational fears which can have a huge affect on both emotional and physical well-being. Respect is easier to lose then it is to gain as it can be lost in an instant one word, one decision or one action. People can spend their whole lives thinking of ways to earn respect, but unless they do something they will never get it. It is hard for people to get good jobs if they are not respectable.
Everyone who seeks success in life should shield their mind from fear thought. In the meantime, their mind is totally devoid of positive thoughts which are so vital to success. In contrast, respect is something everyone wants and something no-one wants to lose. So, fear can be considered as of destruction and respect as success in life.

Difference Between Arrogance and Confidence

Human nature differs from one another even though there might found some similarities, the presence of one’s behavior or character plays a great role to distinguish them. Everyone tries to be a good person but only an inner goodness would have a good image in society or in front of other people. So, in our life confidence level is very important to achieve goals but the over confidence might leads to developing an arrogance level which is not good.
 Arrogance can be considered as a behavior of a person when they feel like they are more important than other people, so that they are rude or do not consider them. Confidence is a belief on own ability to do things successfully and the trust in others too. Arrogance shows behaving in a proud way which is not found in confidence. Arrogant character reflects upon no any thought for others only think about themselves. In our life, to live a happy life success is very important so our confidence level always struggles a lot to achieve it but what’s the use of it because more and more success automatically leads some person to arrogant character. There is some similarities between arrogance and confidence that both beliefs on own abilities but the way of behaving distinguish them only meanings are similar, in a real scenario it’s totally different.
So, from overall description it is clear that there’s a lot of difference between arrogance and confidence level on human beings. Confidence level is more important in our life to achieve success believing on owns thought with no nervousness but the over confidence can lead one individual to an arrogance level too which might cause a destruction in life. So, it’s better to be confident on doing anything then being arrogant.